Chaos to Calm
As a woman over 40, you’re in the busiest phase of your life and probably starting to wonder WTH hormones?! Maybe you’ve figured out that these changing hormones are messing with your mood, metabolism and energy. You want to know, is it perimenopause and will it stay like this (or get worse)? Host Sarah the Perimenopause Naturopath helps you understand that this chaos doesn’t have to be your new normal, while teaching you how to master it in a healthy, sustainable and permanent way. Explore topics: like hormones, biochemistry and physiology (promise it won’t be boring!), along with what to do with food as medicine, nutrition, lifestyle and stress management. All interspersed with inspiring conversations with guests who share their insights and tips on how to live your best life in your 40s and beyond. You can make it to menopause without it ruining your life or relationships! Subscribe to Chaos to Calm on Apple, Spotify, Google, or wherever you listen to podcasts to make sure you don’t miss an episode! New episodes released every Sunday.
Chaos to Calm
Latest Episodes
Weird perimenopause symptoms no one warned you about

Which menopause phase are you in? The 5 stages explained.

4 Myths keeping you confused about whether its perimenopause (or not)

Kickstart your health after 40: how to feel amazing in 2025 and beyond

Ditch ‘new year, new you.’ Want to feel healthier in 2025? Start with this game-changing reflection.